First craft-stall
27 May
I had my first stall this week. It was a good experience but due to the fantastically good weather it wasn’t very well attended, I think everyone had gone to the beach! I shared a table with local designer Tracey, of Orissa Designs.
And after ….
PTSD … Post Traumatic Stall Disorder!!
Tetrapak Wallets
For me the highlight of the day was the ‘make your own tetrapak wallets’. I had gathered the tetrapaks, washed them and then hung them out to dry.
They can then be folded into a handy, eco-friendly, durable wallet.
Bottle Jackets
On a bit of an ‘eco’ theme, I also made these little cosy jackets for the bottom half of empty plastic pop bottles.
Crusading to cut down plastic waste at the moment 🙂
Thanks for reading. See you soon,
K xxx