Cardiff Rathayatra
The highlight of the week was Cardiff Rathayatra. This is the Hare Krishna festival where the Deities of Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra are pulled through the streets on a chariot.
The last few hundred metres before we went off-roading into the park for the festival.
Rathayatra is also a great time to get together with friends that you haven’t seen for ages.
My son, Jiva, was enjoying sitting under the cart with Titiksu das for the procession.
Ooops, I think the trees have grown since last year! Good job Sanatana was on the case and quickly jumped on top to lower the chakra.
Look at the size of the wheels, no wonder we need stewards so no-one gets squashed!
It was all a bit much for the teenagers, they had to recuperate while they waited for the feast.
A great day out for all the family, why don’t you come along next year? Jagannath, Baladeva, Subhadra ki jay!!