Come along and enjoy being creative!
The Completeness approach to learning provides a friendly, encouraging and supportive atmosphere. There’s no judgement or competition at all.
Crochet and craft activities are great for boosting self-esteem.
Creative activities are all the more fun when done with others in a community context.
- Find out about upcoming Crochet Classes, Knitting Classes, Sock Knitting, Crafts and Workshops.
- Follow the full-story in the Completeness creative blog.
- See lots of examples and student’s work in the gallery section.
Come join in the fun! Happy Crafting!
Love, Kasturi ♥
Find out more about Completeness:
The story of Completeness and Kasturi’s journey of discovery.

Latest crochet, crafts and cooking tutorials and inspiration.

Join us on Facebook.
We’re always updating our Facebook page so please come and join in there too.
What does completeness mean?
The meaning of ‘completeness’. In the case of this web site ‘completeness’ means; the feeling of being satisfied and ‘complete’, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Full
Awards for Completeness.
Craft Courses website awards for Completeness.
